El Barrio Rosa- La página de la Señora Rosa

Español I-Unidad 1 Etapa 1 Estados Unidos: Mi mundo
PALS- Performance Assesment for Language Students
Español I- Etapa preliminar
Español II- Estapa Preliminar- Unidad 1-1
Español I- Descripciones
Segundo Semestre- Unidad 2 Etapa 2- Un horario difícil
Unidad 2 Etapa 3 "Mis actividades"
Unidad 3- Puerto Rico
Unidad 3- El tiempo
Unidad 3 Etapa 2- Puerto Rico y los deportes
Unidad 4-1 Las direcciones


Monumento al cemí en Jayuya, Puerto Rico
Monument to the cemí (Taíno natives rock idols) located in Jayuya, Puerto Rico



About Señora Rosa:
Sonia Migdalia Rosa was born and raised in the small coastal town of Aguada in the western coast of Puerto Rico. She holds a B.A. in secondary education with a specialty in Spanish, and a Masters degree in Spanish Literature from the University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez with a specialty in Puerto Rican Literature. Her dissertation was titled: Acercamiento a los mitos y leyendas taínos en Puerto Rico y el Caribe. (Approaching Taíno myths and legends in Puerto Rico and the Caribbean). Her book titled Los Mitos Taínos: Espejo de los mitos de América, (The Taíno Myths" Mirror of the American myths) will be available soon. Sonia resides in northern Virginia where she greatly enjoys being an educator, writer, and independent researcher.


LA TAREA- HOMEWORK will be posted on Schoolnotes.